I had a wonderful visit with Hertha today.
We talked about Psalm 145. “The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works. The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”
Hertha had this comment: “God has been so good to me. My son pushed me around for a long walk in the wheelchair yesterday. It was so lovely outside. Surely God has filled my life with His goodness and grace.”
Sitting at her bedside I asked her for more of her story.

Hertha grew up in Winnipeg. She married Oscar (who was raised in Racine) in 1950. I asked her how they met and this is where it got interesting. Hertha’s parents and Oscar’s parents were best friends back in Germany. They emigrated at the same time (before either couple had kids). The two families maintained their friendship even though one settled in Wisconsin and the other in Winnipeg.
So as the story progressed, it just so happens that a daughter from one household and a son from the other were of marriageable age in 1950. It all came together. Both sets of parents wanted it. And the young man and young woman desired each other too.
A match like that is a beautiful thing.
Oscar was called to his Heavenly Home a couple of years ago.
This morning I was visiting Hertha in the convalescent center. She is not feeling called Home but rather just wants to recover and go back to her home.
As I closed my time with her – she was itching to get back into physical therapy. Way to go Hertha! Her personal strength and vibrant faith make her a woman of true beauty.