In the last two or three hours…
Ate lunch of leftovers from Los Mariachis. Steak fajitas. Great when they were sizzling on the platter last night. Still very good taken cold from the fridge today.
A brokenhearted brother dropped in. All I could do was put my hand on his shoulder and assure him, through the pain, that God is our Rock. I am praying for him.
Studying for sermons. I am trying to figure out the progress between God’s statements of the covenant to Abraham in Genesis 12 and 15 and 17 and the smaller narrative actions sandwiched in between.
I looked out the window and a flock of about 400 birds is swooping around and then lands on the grass portions of the parking lot. I watch the birds for a minute or two. Then I realize that my Bible and commentaries are open to Genesis 15:11. Coincidence?
Got a sweet email from a church member expressing appreciation for the RBC family.
Opened a strange handwritten letter asking for the church to send money. Not from a church member. Smells suspect to me.
Found some chocolate cake and coffee in the copy room. Took it.
Wrote a couple of thank you notes to people I saw serving behind the scenes at music for the masses. I did not ask them for money.