Last week
Had a good trip to Hutchison Kansas to preach at the Marriage conference.
Amy was all set to come with me – but got Bronchitis! She was up coughing the entire night before we were due to leave the next morning. She stayed home. 

Met sweet believers from three different churches in Kansas at the conference. Especially impressed by several new believers. Don’t you just love talking with new believers?
Wasn’t trying to time it, but I realized that I finished the last line in the book I was reading exactly as the wheels of the plane touched down in Chicago.
This week
Wrapping up the book of Exodus this Sunday.
Working on Leviticus in order to begin February 28.
Excited to hear Wayne’s sermon from Jude last Sunday on my Ipod.
Good board meeting Monday night. Darien’s voice was weak (sore throat) but his leadership on a couple of key matters was very strong. Thankful for him.
Hoping to get out and visit a few seniors on Thursday.
Planning to finish working through the references on the Ten
Commandments in family Bible time this week.
Watching NBC’s primetime coverage of the Olympics on the evenings when we are able.