Ask the former generations

Ask the former generations

On a Sunday night not too long ago, one of my kids came home and said that, in Firm Foundations class that evening, they sat at a table with a couple of our seniors and enjoyed chatting with them.

This means the world to me.

Recently, I heard that some of our Middle and High School girls took an evening, made cards for some of our seniors, and delivered them.

I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.

I love talking with our seniors every Sunday.

I am addicted to the sight of younger families interacting with older ones.

I long to see moments of mentoring happen all the time across all sorts of generational and family lines.

Pray that our seniors will be strong and faithful.

Pray that they will be particularly generous with their wisdom.

Pray that our younger people will be patient, gentle, and aggressively teachable.

Pray that God would be glorified as one generation shares with another the greatness of God, the love of Christ and the power of the Spirit.

Job Chapter Eight

Ask the former generations

and find out what their fathers learned,

for we were born only yesterday and know nothing,

and our days on earth are but a shadow.

Will they not instruct you and tell you?

Will they not bring forth words from their understanding?