Posts by RBC (Page 18)
1 thing to do, read, listen to & pray about
One thing to do = We have good news. Share it with somebody this week. Ask them what they think about Jesus. Tell them about Him. Invite them to church.
One thing to read = Ross Douthat’s column from Sunday’s New York Times…
Marriage, Corey Hart, & John Calvin
Three things today …
Pray for the RBC Marriage Retreat this weekend. Pray that the gospel would blossom and bloom in our marriages. Pray that husbands and wives would love and forgive as they themselves have been loved and forgiven.
Church & Political Activism
Excellent word here on the church, the pastor and political activism.
Don’t press the organization of the church or her pastors into political activism. Pray that the church and her ministers would feed the flock of God with the word…
Italy Report & Pics
I taught a course on preaching to 20 men in the Italian Theological Academy. The Master’s Seminary has created what they call The Master’s Academy International (TMAI). These academies and institutes exist to train men for ministry…
quiet place, a quiet hour, & a quiet heart
We are discussing this book in Pastoral Staff meeting – The Hidden Life of Prayer, by David McIntyre. You can read it online here –
He starts with a very simply list of what it takes to live the li…
Death and Birth. Hitchens & Whitefield
I was struck by these two articles this morning.
They illuminate each other (in my mind at least) in a very convicting way.
The first is Douglas Wilson’s obituary on the occasion of the death of Christopher Hitchens.
The …
how to read the bible & pray
How to read the Bible and pray
Set at time in the morning to do it.
Do not turn on the computer or phone until after the time is completed.
Do it.
Was that helpful enough?
Here is some more…
leadership & time
RBC Pastoral staff is reading through Spiritual Leadership by J.O. Sanders.
We discussed Chapter 12, The Leader and His Time, today.
Here are the parts that stood out to me:
A leader will seldom say, “I don’t have the time.” Such…
donuts & chocolate milk
Yesterday during welcome and announcements the children’s choir looked so cute that I spontaneously told them “All of your parents should take you out for donuts and chocolate milk!”
I didn’t plan to say it.
I got caught …
A short board meeting & jamocha almond fudge
Last night the deacons, elders and church officers had our monthly board meeting.
It was relatively short – and the elders did not have to stay after for an additional meeting – so I got out of here before 8:00.
As we were walking out I com…