Revelation in Scripture assumes that humanity is corrupted in its religious disposition and needs re-creation. It would therefore deny itself if it recognized the “unspiritual” person as its rightful judge.If Christianity is a religion of redemption in the full and true sense of the word and hence seeks to redeem human beings from all sin, from the errors of the mind as well as the impurity of the heart, as much from the death of the soul as from that of the body, it in the nature of the case cannot subject itself to the criticism of human beings but must subject them to its criticism.
The revelation that comes to us in Christ through Scripture in fact takes that position toward us. It does not put itself on a level below us to ask for our approving or disapproving judgment on it but takes a position high above us and insists that we believe and obey.
The revelation of God in Christ does not ask for the support or approval of human beings. It posits and maintains itself in sublime majesty. Its authority is normative as well as causative. It fights for its own victory. It itself conquers human hearts and makes itself irresistible.
I just love to read the Bible.
I love to pray with an open Bible.
I love to talk about the Scripture with Amy.
I love it when the five of us talk about what we have been learning from the Word around the supper table.
And I simply cannot describe how thankful I am that I am called to teach the Bible.
I hope you love the Bible too.
I recently came across this strong statement about Scripture.
If you really let this one sink in… it is overwhelming.
Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics
Herman Bavinck lived and taught in Amsterdam. This work was written in the year 1899.