As I type it is about 11:30 on Tuesday morning.
So far today I have…
Had a good honest accountability time with two of our elders as we broke into smaller groups at the close of our morning meeting. Had a long, strong prayer time where we really lifted each other up to the Lord.
Had breakfast with two men who are my spiritual leaders. They asked me clear questions about my heart, my family and what is going on in my life.
Answered a great email from a mom in our congregation who took our Sunday evening parenting class and has some personal application questions about the Biblical principles we covered in class. I love emails and phone calls like that! I love her desire to apply God’s Word in her situation.
Heard a tearful-from-the-heart thank you from an unemployed brother who received some assistance from the benevolence fund.
Talked with John about a few details on our trip to Turkey. We leave in just a couple weeks.
Deleted about twenty junk emails trying to sell me ridiculous things. They keep coming! How can I get them to stop?!?
Felt like it was Monday instead of Tuesday approximately 41 times.
Met with Darien about a couple of matters we are working on together. His heart for God, God’s Word and God’s people comes through so strong.