Spencer DeBlog (Page 27)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 27)

why am I chasing me?

I love this story. The fact that it really happened makes it hilarious. There is nothing funnier than the stuff that happens in real life. I also can’t help thinking about it as a metaphor. It is a parable about how so many of us live ou…

one from our cloud

I just got word that Evelyn Bachman went home to be with the Lord. Do you know who she is? She is one of this church’s great cloud of witnesses. I have been here at RBC since 2001. Evelyn ‘retired’ from missionary service just befo…

Because you have 1,000 reasons to drift

Why did I preach from Hebrews yesterday? Because I want for you what the author of Hebrews wanted for his people. He knew that they had 1,000 opportunities to drift away. So do you. Countless sinful temptations lurk within your own heart. There are desires and drives arising from within that will lure you away. For others of you persecutions and…