Spencer DeBlog (Page 36)
scripture reading
If you want to read in preparation for corporate worship, preaching and communion tomorrow…
John 4:7-15
Jeremiah 2:13
Isaiah 12:1-3
Two Articles Worth Checking Out
An article for parents on how your kids will fail:
Here is how it starts…
Your kids will fail. This is both inevitable and also necessary. Apparently not many parents today want to hear this uncomfortable fact. And they certainly don’…
Which one will you take?
Be here on Sunday night for Firm Foundations.
Even if you will be gone for parts of our Summer session, be here when you can.
We have four class options to choose from.
Biblical Peacemaking
John Anderson is directing this one. We will use DVD curr…
Jesus was thirsty
The true human nature of Jesus is emphasized throughout the gospel of John.
4:6, 7
His humanity is sympathetic. He knows our needs.
Next time you are tired and thirsty, remember this: Christ, in the days he was here, felt just …
Reading for Sunday
If you want to read ahead for corporate worship tomorrow we will be in John 4.
First, read John 4:1-26 and make observations about Jesus and the woman.
Then, compare and contrast John 3:1-16 with John 4:1-26.
List all the differences between Nicodemu…
thankful people
Don’t you love talking with thankful people?
Hearing from a man or woman mindful of God’s mercy and aware of God’s goodness is always sweet.
This morning when I landed in my office and played the waiting voicemails…
The f…
some tweets
From my Twitter…
Ever notice how many features of Love in 1 Cor 13 require that you be sinned against in order to display them?
This can of Dr Pepper would taste quite a bit better if this picture of the girl from Thor was not on it.
Godly lea…
softball, hospital outreach, and leadership
If you want to read ahead for this Sunday’s sermon, get into John 3 and 4.
Congrats to Men’s Softball RBC team 2. They got their first win last night! It has been a long time coming. The guys have been hanging in there. Coach Varebrook …
Les Miserables
Three bits which stuck with me recently from the classic novel.
Isn’t this exactly how it feels to wake up in the middle of the night?
He opened his eyes and stared into the gloom which surrounded him; then he closed them again, with the intent…
Sunday reflections
A few highlights from services yesterday…
Congregation really sang out on It is Well with my Soul. The simple, quiet piano accompaniment enabled me to hear the congregational voices loud and strong.
Struck by the powerful indictment of Joh…