Spencer DeBlog (Page 38)
A Battle Hymn
This is a hymn written by Charles Spurgeon. It is titled A Battle Hymn.
I was going to include it in the sermon tomorrow but I don’t think I will fit it in with where Psalms 9 and 98 will be leading us. I post it up here with the hopes that it …
Reading for Sunday
This Sunday I will be preaching from three Psalms.
Psalms 96, 97 and 98
If you want to read ahead, go through them and observe…
Commands – What are they? To whom are they given?
Future – What is said about the future?
God …
especially fitted for our imitation
I have been greatly helped lately by slowly working through a sermon of Jonathan Edwards. It is a sermon he preached at the ordination of a friend in 1749.
If you want to pray for the pastoral staff here at Racine Bible, these would be some great req…
nba finals
This blog post does not represent the official position of the Racine Bible Church leadership or membership.
This is simply a subjective, personal feeling. I am in agreement with what New Testament scholar Denny Burk wrote about the NBA finals:
A Poem for Memorial Day
No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as a manor of thy friends or of thine
own were; an…
Reading to get Ready for Sunday
If you want to read ahead for Sunday, here are some Scriptures for you to get into today.
Pull out evertything you can about the seeking, searching, rescuing love of God.
Matthew 9:9-13
Hosea 11:1-9
Exekiel 34:11-1
Isaiah 40:10-11
Matthew 18:10-14
it is clear who is really accused
Some profound common sense here from J. Budziszewski which grows out of Romans chapter 1…
But there is a common moral ground. Certain moral truths really are common to all human beings. Because our shoes are wet with evasions the comm…
Lois Stewart
We are so thankful for Lois Stewart and all of the family, including Ben and A.H., who served faithfully in the past. Racine Bible enjoys blessings today because of faithful men and women like Lois who obeyed God’s call through the years.
what I’m up to lately
In Pastor’s meeting this morning we spent an hour in prayer. I don’t know why we don’t just do this every time. It is the best. We prayed following this order:
Scripture prayers
Personal prayer requests
Praying for key leaders…
might be your last one
I wish every church was built with a cemetery beside it. Our forefathers had good reasons for doing things that way. They knew what we forget. Death is the end of every man.
The Christian ministry is not about this life only, but about the one wh…