Spencer DeBlog (Page 41)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 41)

Top Seven from Sunday

Kids Choirs in our Sunday services. They looked and sang great in both services. But there was a difference between the two. First hour they marched in and stood straight and still. Second hour they marched in and then got restless leg syndrome o…

The Gospel

This Sunday and next it will be my joy to preach the gospel in our morning worship services. In preparation I am working through 1 Corinthians chapter 15. Today I am meditaing on the first eleven verses. I am pulling apart, analyzing, and putti…

please pray for us

John and I leave tomorrow for Kabardino-Balkaria. I will be teaching a one week course on preaching in the pastor’s institute. I am using material from my doctoral project on how accurate interpretation is tied to relevant ap…

Top Ten from Sunday

Yesterday was a great day at RBC. I am guessing everyone who attended morning and evening would easily have their own ten blessings to list. Here are mine… 10) Hearing evidences of grace from Spencer B., Katelyn L. and Steve Jenks 9) Convinc…

Ready for Sunday?

If you want to read ahead in preparation for the preaching on Sunday, get into Isaiah 40. Read the chapter through a couple of times. Notice what it ways about God, His Word and His Plan. Note also what it says about this world, and the people and…

what I am up to lately

What I am up to lately In one week I will be leaving for Kabardino-Bulkaria. A few things to pray about toward that end. I will be teaching a course to the church planting pastors on preaching and ministry. I intend to use lots of st…

A Prayer

This is the prayer I am praying for Sam and everyone else who was baptized last night: Thou God of all grace, Thou hast given me a Saviour, produce in me a faith to live by him, to make him all my desire, all my hope, …