Spencer DeBlog (Page 53)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 53)

a few tweets

From my Twitter: I admit it I tear up just about every time I read Genesis 29:20. I love that verse. So many good things compete for my time & energy & attention. But Jesus (His Person and Work) is the best thing. After church today man in his 80s told me “I am so glad God is giving us a vision for outreach. We need to keep growing!” You are…

Trying something different

So I am doing something completely different on Sunday. It might turn out to be a bad idea. So why not blog about it ahead of time? The main points of my sermon are coming right out of the journal I kept with me in Turkey and Greece. Let me a…

I need to change

I came back from Turkey deeply convicted. The issue? Evangelism. Compassion. Boldness. I have got to change and become more like Christ. Love as He loved. Find them and care for them and reach them as He did. So many good things compete for my tim…

The Ministries of the Word

I just completed the notes for this week’s ABF leadership training. Here is something I dropped into those notes a few minutes ago. Take a moment and begin considering the implications these verbs should have for your conversations and relati…

Stuck in sin?

Stuck in sin? Do you feel reluctant to pray? When you know you have stepped into disobedience… When you have let your heart grow cold… Are you slow to get together with God? When you have neglected His Word… When you have tried…


One of the things I spoke about to the missionaries in Turkey was this simple question. What is the biggest challenge you face in ministry? Is it radical/violent Islam? Is it governmental repression in this coun…

The UnBeatitudes

I am moved and humbled by these marvelous thoughts from Ray Ortlund at the Gospel Coalition: Congratulations to the entitled, for they grab what they want. Congratulations to the carefree, for they shall be comfortable. Congratulations to the pushy,…

A few more pics

I am back in the office today after quite some time away. The mission trip to Turkey was great. I watched our team members manifest true Christian service in the power of the Spirit. After that Amy and I were able to enjoy some time in the Greek Isles…

Turkey Team is back

Thanks for praying for the Turkey mission team. The team made it home and each member will be so happy to share with you as you see them. Amy and I are taking a few more days away and, Lord willing, will be with you next Sunday.

Saturday in Turkey

Saturday in Turkey. We drove back to Ankara from the conference site yesterday. I rode with Brian and we talked for four hours about ministry, missions, Bible interpretation, prayer, vision and leadership. What a greatly gifted brother he is. I lea…