Spencer DeBlog (Page 55)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 55)

Mission Trip to Turkey

RBC is sending a team to Turkey leaving on Friday, July 23. The team will minister at the missions conference for the Phipps and other workers serving with Christar. We are providing Bible teaching for all the missions workers at their annual co…

A prayer of blessing

Adam Clarke, 200 years ago, paraphrased the blessing of Numbers 6 well in praying this way for his congregation: May God speak good unto thee, by giving thee his excellent promises! May he preserve thee in the possession of all the good thou hast…

the meeting of the board

We met from 6 to 10 last night. Four hours is a looong meeting. The first 2 hours is the entire board (deacons, elders, treasurers, secretaries) and the second 2 hours is separate deacon and elder meetings. Here are some highlights from the meeting…

Bible Reading System

The Bible reading system I mentioned last night during Q and A with Marquis Laughlin — Take the time to read the introduction. It is quite convincing. The system has you reading ten chapters a day in such a way that you become familiar with all o…

Bible Study

This is from a very helpful article up on Challies.com. I printed out the whole thing to talk about with the family over dinner. http://www.challies.com/print/4555 It is filled with great advice on the Bible Study and particularly realistic about…

Before noon today…

As I type it is about 11:30 on Tuesday morning. So far today I have… Had a good honest accountability time with two of our elders as we broke into smaller groups at the close of our morning meeting. Had a long, strong prayer time where we …

My prayer for our homes and churches

O breath of God, come fill this place; Revive our hearts to know Your grace; And from our slumber make us rise That we may know the Risen Christ. O word of God, so clear and true, Renew our minds to trust in You; And give to us the bread of life That we may know the Risen Christ. O love of God, so unrestrained, Refresh our souls in Jesus’ name. Let us reflect Your…

Rudyard Kipling

I love Rudyard Kipling. Most of us think of the Jungle Book as a Disney cartoon. But Kipling’s book is filled with intelligence and humor. I re-read it recently and enjoyed it immensely. Consider this poem: His spots are the joy of the Leo…