Spencer DeBlog (Page 57)
Top Ten Sunday
Top Ten from Sunday 6/13
Kicking Kelly’s flute and almost knocking it over when I roamed away from the pulpit. This only happened in first service because she saw me do it and took it off the platform with her during s…
J. C. Ryle
Here is a pattern that all ministers ought to follow. Publicly and privately, from the pulpit and in private visits, they ought to rebuke all open sin, and deliver a faithful warning to all who are living in it. It may give offense. It may entail imm…
A glory war
In Pastor’s meeting today we discussed this article. It nearly destroyed us. Deeply convicting. Intensely personal. Pray that we would continue to be humble and transparent. Pray that we would resist pride and sinful blindness.
Paul Tripp “T…
spiritual gifts
1 Peter 4:10-11 As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the streng…
Husbands, love your wives
I admit it.
I cry when I think about how much John Wooden loved his wife.
From the CT article:
Lest you think Wooden was merely a walking Hallmark card of sports-related clichés, think again. A devoted Christian, the coach was far more intere…
What if we prayed
What if we all prayed the prayer I posted here yesterday?
Unexamined sin would be brought out into the light and confessed. With confession comes the renewed joy of salvation.
Unrepentant habits and patterns will be put on notice and stopped. Then…
my prayer
I jotted this prayer down in my journal recently. I need God to answer it so that I can deal with my biggest problem… (me) …
I desire my own way way too often. Lord, make me want what You want. Make Your will what I long for.
I h…
This cracks me up. Wrong Wheaton.
I just put this up on Twitter. It made me laugh out loud.
This cracks me up! Ann Curry Flubs Wheaton College Commencement – TIME NewsFeed http://bit.ly/aNKxss
Here is the linked story:
Peppering in the names of distinguished alumni is an easy way to…
There is no fickleness in him
The Lord Jesus is “a friend who never changes.” There is no fickleness about Him: those whom He loves, He loves to the end. Husbands have been known to forsake their wives; parents have been known to cast off their children; human vows an…
memorial day
We are thankful to all of those who faithfully served in the United States military.
Many of our RBC families have a loved one who has served. Thank you.
Many from our families are currently serving honorably. We are praying for you. …