Spencer DeBlog (Page 59)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 59)

Able to teach

Our elder Bible study from last month: Duties of an Elder: Feeding the Flock Biblical Terms The word teach and its cognate nouns teaching and teacher are used in the NT mainly to denote the careful transmission of the tradition concerning Jesus Chr…

What I am up to…

What I am up to lately… Thrilled to preach the gospel to many visitors yesterday. Thankful that opening Colossians 3 enabled me to do more than talk about family. What the church needs is a truly Christian understanding of family so that we are e…

franklin graham

Great article about Franklin Graham, the Pentagon, and faithful witness to Christ. Check it out at Mohler’s blog. http://www.albertmohler.com/2010/05/06/who-will-be-tested-next-the-dilemma-of-franklin-graham/


This post from Doug Wilson was very thought provoking for me… The political state in our day is swollen and overgrown, and has gotten into everything. Politics, the great secular idol of modernity, has virtually filled up every public spac…

people of the beep

I appreciated this article by Tim Challies. (you can read the whole thing at his blog) The beep is a purely human sound, one without any equivalent in nature. No animal, no plant, makes a beep. You know the sound well. The beep begins and en…

thankful at 5:29am

As I was driving in early this morning my prayers were prayers of thanksgiving to God for the elders of this church. And as our meeting concluded this morning, I have even more thanks for these men. We talked about staff evaluations, summer missi…