Spencer DeBlog (Page 60)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 60)

Thankful for

Thank you Lord Thank you Lord for the people, who came Saturday and Sunday, to set up, cook, serve and clean up lunch for 200+. Thank you Lord for the many people who are praying and giving toward our mission trip to Turkey. Thank you Lord for …

All I want to do…

“Let the pastors boldly dare all things by the word of God…. Let them constrain all the power, glory, and excellence of the world to give place to and to obey the divine majesty of this Word. Let them enjoin everyone by it, from the highest to the …


I hope that many can join us on Friday evening for our prayer summit. We will meet here at church from 7 till about 8:30. Wayne, Dan and Tim will be leading us in a time of singing, sharing and praying. Here is a quote from R.A. Torrey on prayer. I…

prayer idea

I did something different in my prayer time this morning and really enjoyed it. I wrote down names (about 25 or so) of people who have been on my heart lately. Then I read a chapter (Ephesians 4). Then I went through those names and prayed one verse f…

marriage and parenting

I am working on the notes for our Sunday evening parenting class. The subject this week is — marriage and parenting. These are a couple of wonderful paragraphs from William Farley’s book. I cannot imagine a mother or father/ husband or wife w…

It is not about you

It is not about you I really enjoyed this riff by Carl Trueman about how common it is for Christian teachers to emphasize things like… everyone is special, there is no one else like you, follow your dreams, This belief that we are each sp…

Prayer from Proverbs 3

Last night, at RBC Board meeting, I handed out this prayer guide to all the men before we broke into our prayer groups for the evening. My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life …

Unintentional sins

Yesterday our text was Leviticus four and the topic was unintentional sins. Repeatedly in that chapter, God calls unintended sins – sins – for which the worshiper must bring a sin offering of atonement and receive forg…