Spencer DeBlog (Page 63)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 63)

What I’m working on

Really enjoyed a gospel-saturated time of prayer this morning after reading a wonderfully gospel-filled sermon by Martyn Lloyd Jones earlier this morning. Email exchange with Brian Phipps in Turkey about our upcoming trip to minister with him th…

Friday Prayer Summit

Please join us this Friday at seven p.m. Wayne and I will be leading a prayer summit here at RBC. We are convening this special prayer meeting so that we can plead with God together. We want to have an effective gospel outreach on Palm Sunday and E…

a minister’s prayer

I mentioned yesterday that I was deeply convicted by my own study and preaching for that sermon in particular. I hope that my heart is always in it. I pray that my interaction with the Word is always formative for my own soul. Some times…


Six Points from Leviticus about Spiritual Leaders Courageous to deal with Sin no matter who or what it is Exodus 32 Covered by the blood Lev. 8 and 9 Clearly communicate the Word of God Lev. 10:8-11 Courageously confront with th…

Men’s Retreat

Join me in praying for our RBC men this weekend. Pete H., Steve S. and Wayne are preaching. Pray for God’s Word to convict and for God’s men to be really honest with one another about that conviction.

The Test

Here is the test I shared in the sermon last Sunday. It comes out of the book “Worldliness” edited by CJ Mahaney: Imagine I take a blind test in which my task is to identify the genuine follower of Jesus Christ. My choices are an unre…

the cart

Some of our Sunday School classes recently collected money to purchase a cart for a farm. This is a very special farm. It is the drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministry in Kabardino-Balkaria. Men coming out of prison or off of the streets are g…

the book on worldliness

Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World C. J. Mahaney (Editor) Life in this fallen world can draw our hearts far from God and from growth in godliness. Worldliness equips you to search your heart for the presence of worldliness and …