Spencer DeBlog (Page 69)
Pray for 20 minutes
Pray for 20 minutes every morning
A simple guide for getting going with 20 minutes of prayer…
20 minutes is easy if you go 5 and 5 and 5 and 5.
5 minutes of prayers rising out of the Psalms.
When I wake in the morning and …
God spoke all the world into existence.
God speaks to us in His Word.
God’s Word forms words in our minds and hearts.
And now God calls us to speak back to Him in prayer.
meeting highlights
Highlights from RBC Board meeting last night:
Wayne sharing about men getting into the Word of God every day. It is so simple and yet it is what it’s all about. Wayne challenged each of these men to get into the Word – every day –…
a correction
It has come to my attention that I may have, however inadvertently, disparaged the good name of a certain youth pastor in my previous post.
Though all I wrote about him giving us as gifts our own stuff (and RBC’s dish towels) is true…
There is a bit …
A few personal bests
The best commercial I have seen in a long time:
The Sports Center guys in line behind Arnold Palmer making an Arnold Palmer.
The best book on parenting teenagers:
Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp
The best fun…
Meaning and significance
This is the type of thing I have been working on for school:
The sacred author’s intended meaning is the critical starting point but not an end in itself. The task of hermeneutics must begin with exegesis but is not complete until one notes t…
Some things are so obvious
Some things are so obvious to us that we never see them.
I remember this little poem from someplace, perhaps you have heard it before…
Oh where is the sea the fishes cried,
As they swam the Atlantic waters through;
We’ve heard of the…
do you love charts?
I do not love charts.
But I do love studying the Bible.
I liked this post by Justin Taylor and his suggestion to draw up some charts for yourself.
One tip to help you understand the Bible better is read it with a pen or pencil in hand…
blessings in the last 24 hours
Enjoyed breakfast with eight of my favorite men this morning at the Golden Keys. I just love sitting around the table with men who are examples to me.
Apologized to a church member for something I should have handled differently and he forgave me. …
small is good
So we had a pretty small evening service last night. We were up against two factors.
First, lots of our people were away at Fort Wilderness and second, Packers playoff game.
So the attendance was pretty small. And I loved it!
It wa…