Spencer DeBlog (Page 72)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 72)

He will never leave them

Here is a great word about the gospel from JC Ryle… Let us take comfort in the thought that the Lord Jesus does not cast off His believing people because of failures and imperfections. He knows what they are. He takes them, as the husband takes th…

with a merciful posture

Kindness isn’t a personality trait, it’s a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and an expression of biblical love (1 Corinthians 13:4). Kindness does not have its origins in you, but in God. Kindness says to our spouse, “I know you…


Amy took a bunch of pictures on yesterday. I will try to post them up here on the blog tonight when I get home. The pictures are from the first service Sunday. We had a great time here and all the kids made a joyful noise! I love to pray for those adu…


Amy shared some things with me recently that she had been learning from the Lord. I love the way the Lord gets at me through her. It is a crowning blessing to share common commitment to Christ with your spouse. Give thanks if you are among those…

We didn’t cancel

Here I am at church on Wednesday night. Watching the weather predictions yesterday… We all figured we would probably have to cancel. But I just walked the halls and every room is full. From the cubbies on up to the high schoolers. I even…