Spencer DeBlog (Page 76)
What’s Happening
In my book bag right now –
All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren
Heartbreakingly well-written. Corruption in politics is as old as politics. I really resonate with fiction from the “Christ-haunted South.”
A New Inn…
Leadership is knowing what needs to be done but it is much more than that. Any complainer on the sidelines can talk about what needs to be done.
Leadership is the wisdom of knowing what needs to be done alongside of the willingn…
Great deal on a great Bible
The MacArthur Study Bible is still my favorite.
Get yourself one.
Buy one for a friend.
The hardcover is on sale at gbi books:
from the breakfast table to the convalescent home
2 Peter 1:3-5 and 10-11
We opened this passage this morning around the breakfast table.
Cereal, English breakfast tea and observation-interpretation-application about the passage.
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to li…
My weakness
Somebody brought a big box of donuts to the office today.
The white box sat in the copy room.
I entered the room intending to abstain.
Really. I was going to abstain.
But then I saw them.
Poking out of the box in all their glazed, lumpy goodness.
Are we liberal or conservative?
Following is a summary of Rodney Stark’s ten marks identifying the social practices of the earliest Christians.
The conclusions following the ten points are particularly thought provoking. Be sure to check them out.
10 Marks of the Early …
pardon me but you must give place
If thy dearest friends intrude unseasonably between thee and thy God, it is neither rude not unmannerly to bid them give place to better company.
John Flavel
Personal confrontation
It is a challenge that most of us simply avoid because it is so difficult.
Yet this practice is essential in God honoring relationships.
How do we help each other without judging/condemn…
Dispensationalism and end times
These notes are from the IFCA doctrinal statement. Racine Bible Church is a member church in this organization.
(13) Dispensationalism – We believe that the Scriptures interpreted in their natural, literal sense reveal divinely determined dispensa…
Amy and Nichole
Student Ministry Intern – assistant to the Junior High Pastor.
That was the first “ministry job” I ever had.
I had a small group of seventh and eighth grade guys.
We met weekly for discipleship.
One of my guys was a new believer….