Spencer DeBlog (Page 77)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 77)


We are going to the skating rink tonight. Somehow… at the fair or some place we went this Summer… Rylie won a bunch of free passes. We are headed out there tonight and I will be skating. I plan on making a strong showing in the hokey-pokey. If I am…

right now

I have an interesting job. On my desk at this moment is the following: Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos I love Geerhardus. I was looking up something about the Passover in Exodus 12. A couple of commentaries and study Bibles made…

Meekness in marriage

Meekness is power harnessed by love. It is an expression of humility that will not bristle or defend when challenged. In marriage, to be meek is not to be weak or vulnerable, but to be so committed to your spouse that you will sacrifice for his or he…

Monday morning sermon

The story you are about to hear is true. This happened relatively recently. Disclaimer: The name is being withheld in order to protect the guilty and save me some major grief at home. Background: A little while back, a member of my family misse…

Hebrews 6:11-12

I encountered this verse in studying the faith of Abraham (he is mentioned in verse 13). It has been rolling around in my mind and is starting to bear fruit in my life. Here it is in the ESV: And we desire each one of you to show the same ea…