Spencer DeBlog (Page 86)

Spencer DeBlog (Page 86)


John Calvin told me something scary this morning. Really scary. I was on my second cup of coffee, watching the rain cascade down, and Calvin says this… The most hurtful of all plagues in the congregation, the deadliest of all poisons in the ch…

be merciful

These verses spoke to me this morning. I had Luke six open next to my waffles and coffee. I am going to be thinking about these verses all day long and longer than that. Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful. Give, and it will be give…

Do I look like one to you?

I got called a physical therapist. Tuesday I was visiting two of our older members in their assisted living facility. They are long time members. Clyde W. recently told me that the first Sunday he came to RBC he was in a Ford Model T. That was som…

did you know?

Several of our leaders climbed in to the church van Tuesday night and headed to Maryland for the WorshipGod conference. http://worshipgodconference.com/ The conference is the outgrowth of Bob Kauflin’s ministry. Bob Kauflin is the dire…


The highest happiness consists in holiness. This will make a man happy without anything else. But no other enjoyments or privileges whatsoever will make a man happy without this. Jonathan Edwards

Baby pictures

It’s not every day that dear friends sell the house, pack up and move across the country in order to be together. Joe and Makeesha did that a few years ago, heading out here from Washington. They have since moved back to Washington but …

Capitalism and Democracy

I appreciated these thoughts about capitalism from a lecture on economics by Michael Novak. They fit in with what I believe about man being made in the image of God and being given the task of cultivating and filling the earth. Democracy, Winst…