

In membership class last Sunday night one woman shared this about seeking church membership.

“I think of people in other places who are persecuted for their faith. They pay the ultimate price for joining the church. I want to be numbered with them. I want my commitment to the Lord Jesus, His gospel, and His will in this local church to be clear. Seeking membership at this church will not open me up to persecution by the government. But if it did, I want to be the type of Christian who would willingly step forward anyway!”

A few matters of prayer for our church family:

Friday our Pacesetters ministry meets for fellowship, lunch, and a report from Terrell Smith. Every time I see Terrell he has wonderful stories about reaching international students in Madison with the gospel.

Saturday the leaders of our Crosswalk ministry meet for a training time. Pray for biblical equipping in knowledge and spiritual preparation of attitude in all of our volunteers.

Sunday morning we are having a newcomers reception following first and second services. Pray for those who are relatively new to RBC as we meet them, answer questions, and seek to help them understand commitment to the church.

Sunday evening our shepherding groups will meet throughout the city. Pray for our leaders, those who generously open their homes as hosts, and all of those who will be participating in shared Bible study and prayer.
