

Personal confrontation

It is a challenge that most of us simply avoid because it is so difficult.

Yet this practice is essential in God honoring relationships.

How do we help each other without judging/condemning each other?

Some approaches are popular but problematic, ever try these?

“Excuse me, but you have a problem!”

“You know, it really bugs me when you…”

“You know what your problem is!? I’ll tell you…”

None of those works very well. They send up the walls right when they need to come down.

Here is a good word about personal confrontation:

Am I prepared to humbly offer an observation rather than an assumption or conclusion?

You and I will never have perfect insight into our spouse’s heart. To assume we do is to be judgmental, and judging is reserved for God. Thus the most helpful reproof frequently comes in the form of open (not leading) questions, because questions create the dialogue that invites more penetrating observation.

Dave Harvey “When Sinners Say I Do”

Think that through and let it inform your approach next time.