Here is the shocking opening line to make you stick with this post to the end:
Bible reading was never intended to be the primary means of spiritual growth.
Huh? Really? Then what is?
This line came from Don Whitney at last weekend’s conference in Kenosha.
We had a great time with Don Whitney on Friday and Saturday.
He talked Amy and Sam into ordering some fancy fountain pens that he uses.
Anyway, this line came during his comments about the importance of meditation.
He said that one of the most important conclusions he has come to in his lifetime of teaching smart seminary students as a professor and good church members as a pastor is this:
Most Christians neglect meditation.
Bible reading was never intended to be the primary means of spiritual growth.
Reading is exposure but only through meditation does exposure become absorption.
Reading is information. Reading is absolutely necessary. But only through meditation does information become experience.
Don’t just read your Bible — meditate on it.
Spurgeon on meditation —
To believe a thing is, as it were, to see the cool crystal sparkling in the cup; but to meditate upon it is to drink thereof. Reading gathers the clusters, contemplation squeezes forth their generous juice. Meditation is of all things the most soul-fattening when combined with prayer.
Remember that souls grow more by meditation than by anything else.