This is something my Amy wrote recently:
“Teacher, we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You.” Morning came through my window with this statement. The sun rose on one of my oldest enemies. I believe I saw clearly, repented and will probably have to again of this same request, “Give me, what I want, Lord.”
I have often thought without realizing it that if I give enough, am thoughtful enough, pray enough, want something enough, sacrifice enough, use my creativity enough, pour my heart into something enough, that thing will rise up and accomplish itself to perfection, and I will be blessed forever.
I have been the same way with people. If I give enough, am thoughtful enough, pray for them enough, want them to succeed enough and to see them happy, sacrifice enough for them, use my creativity to bless their lives enough, pour my heart into serving them enough, then they will value me in the end and always be grateful.
“Grant that we may sit in Your glory, one on Your right, and one on Your left.” Like the other disciples, I’ve always felt a little indignant toward these two sons of Zebedee for being so bold as to ask for this. I’ve prided myself on never even considering to ask for such a thing. And I’ve had the same demand and expectation for myself, only sophisticated enough so as to not seem like such a blatantly arrogant jerk.
If I love people, let it be like Jesus loved me, through rejection and mocking and injury. If I teach, let it be with patience toward the ignorant and humility toward the know-it-alls. If I serve hard, let it be for the rightful owner of the throne. If I invest much of me in someone who only grows a little and never turns to thank me, or if someone owes their triumphs to my death and never mentions my name, Lord remind me that I am much more like that person than I will ever be like you.