Lifts up things light but drowns things solid

Lifts up things light but drowns things solid

The longer I live, the more I love the classics.

Books, music, movies, whatever it is.

Pop music can be fun, but it doesn’t bear up after repeating listening.

Web pages can be fun to click through, but they are here and gone.

I want to fill my mind with what is best.

I need to feed my soul with what will truly nourish it to make me strong.

I came across this line in an old book which was written in the mid 1800s.

Tell me it does not describe today.

“Fame is like a river that beareth up things light and swollen, and drowns things weighty and solid.”

Remember, that was written in the 1800s.

Those words came before television, radio, and internet.

If that sentiment was true then… how much more so in our own day?

We have access to so much material.

Yet how much of it is really worth the time?

Sure, it is popular, but is it weighty and solid?

We have so many celebrities and so few heroes.

So many popular values and so few enduring virtues.

So much calling for attention yet so little for reflection.

So much information and yet so little wisdom.

Give me the solid stuff.

my heart
Be Strong