

Yesterday was our anniversary.

I was surprised by how many of you remembered it and said something to us at church.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

I did preach on marriage yesterday.

I didn’t plan ahead for it. (Actually, if you only knew how little I plan ahead you might worry about me but that is for another post.)

But it was a happy match that Ephesians 5:32 was my text on our anniversary.

And I am also happy to report that Amy really liked the message.

Yes, that is very important to me.

And no, I am not sure where that fits in with “rightly dividing the Word of truth” and the other Scriptural standards by which a sermon should be judged and evaluated.

I am not aware of a text that says the wife of the preacher must approve of the sermon.

I am just admitting to you that I care deeply what she thinks.

Why? Because I watch her walk with the Lord. I see the abundant evidence of the Spirit in her life.

Based on these spiritual realities and her close proximity to me at all times — hers is a voice that I dare not ignore.

So, like I said, she appreciated the message.

We reflected back on Genesis 2, Ephesians 5, and Revelation 19-21 throughout the day.

Let me share one more moment from yesterday that blessed me.

I turned to the row behind me in church and asked Norma, “How long have you and Hillard been married?”

“Sixty-six going on sixty-seven years,” she replied with a smile.

I told her it was our seventeenth and that she and her sweetheart have precisely fifty years on us.

Then, just a little while later, I noticed that across the aisle from Norma and Hillard sat Brian and Kira.

Those two have not yet been married for sixty-seven days.

I just cannot tell you how sweet it is to be a member of this family.

That Amy and I can be right here in the middle of this pair of couples is a tremendous blessing.

I thank my God in every remembrance of this our RBC family
Too bad?
A Verse