Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness (Psalm 29:2, ESV).”
The Music & Worship Ministry of RBC exists to do exactly this. Our goal is to live lives continuously worshiping God by ascribing to Him the glory due his name. We recognize that He alone is holy and the true Glorious One. We recognize that we are created, commanded, and called to worship Him. We recognize that worship is also a gift that is given to us through a relationship with God through Jesus Christ guided by the Holy Spirit. Because of this, we take worship seriously and it flows from intense joy, reverence, and gratitude.
We are incredibly thankful for the way the Lord has given so many in our church family vocal and instrumental abilities to help lead our times of corporate worship. We are committed to excellence by always seeking to improve our talents and develop those of others. While we attempt to encourage one another and build each other up, we acknowledge that all we do is from the Lord and for His glory alone.
The gospel is and must always be central to all we do. Our worship through music is both instructive about and a response to the gospel. Our goal is to clearly proclaim the truth of Christ through various means as we worship. Opportunities for involvement in music are available for all ages, and we are always looking for more servants to partner with us. We are committed to honoring Christ in unity through a diversity of styles looking forward to the day when every tribe and tongue bows before our Great Lord and Savior.
It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to Your name, O Most High… (Psalm 92:1, ESV).”