New Classes

New Classes

We want you to join us at RBC on Sunday nights.

Why? We gather for a purpose — training, equipping, growing in knowledge so that we can excel in practice.

Firm Foundations is an opportunity you should take full advantage of this year.

Four new classes begin on January 13th.

Courses run for eight weeks.

Moderator: Fred Joachim

The emphasis of this course is examining every aspect of life in light of the Word of God. This portion of the course will deal with: Overcoming temptations; Self-esteem; Principles of stewardship; Anger; Forgiveness; Reconciliation and restoration.

The Way of the Master
Teacher: Wayne Beilgard

No matter someone’s age or how long he or she has been a Christian, every believer needs encouragement and help in evangelism. That is why this topic continues to be a staple among our Firm Foundation classes. This class will utilize the teaching curriculum of well-known evangelists Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort to inspire and equip you to do personal evangelism.

This Momentary Marriage
Teacher: Guy and Faythe Ladd

Your marriage isn’t really about… your marriage. Marriage is but a shadow of the reality it represents: the union of Christ and his church. This makes marriage a privilege, and also means that we must understand Christ and the gospel to really function correctly in our marriages. The title of this course comes from the title of a book by John Piper that will be used as a discussion starter for this class. The goal for the class will be to help you apply the truths of the gospel to your understanding of marriage, so that your marriage will benefit and God will be glorified in it.

Worship Leadership Training
Teacher: Brennan Uthe

Our new worship pastor will be meeting with all members of the music ministry to discuss worship from a Biblical standpoint and to train those involved in the various aspects of having a God-honoring music ministry.