New leaves push off the old

New leaves push off the old

We have all seen a tree or a hedge thick with dry leaves throughout the winter, and neither frost nor wind completely removed the withered foliage, but the spring soon made it clear. The new life dislodges the old, pushing it away as unsuitable to it. So our old corruptions are best removed by the growth of new graces. It is as the new life buds and opens that the old worn-out things of our former state are compelled to quit their hold on us.

Our wisdom lies in living near to God, that by the power of His Holy Spirit all our graces may be vigorous, and may exercise a sin expelling power over our lives : the new leaves of grace pushing off our sore old affections and habits of sin.

Lord, let Thy life in me push off the relics of my former death, that I may put on the new man, and manifest the life of Thy grace.


Charles H. Spurgeon