not the church we want to be

not the church we want to be

A reverse reading of Acts 2:41-47:

41 Nobody received the Word and they never, ever had to fill the baptism tank. Cobwebs grew in its corners.

42 And some of the people attended some of the time. They could not be counted on to continue two weeks in a row. Once a month was enough.

43 Church services and the pastors who lead them were boring, mind-numbingly boring, because nothing ever happened there. They never made a difference to anybody. It was just bla-bla-bla words with no power.

44-45 The church people rarely bothered to help each other. Why would they? They didn’t trust each other. And each one had to look out for themselves.

46-47 So week by week they grew more distant from each other and from the Lord. They struggled with sadness, emptiness and despair. The world looked into the church and said “If that is what it is …Who needs it?” And the Lord shrank that thing that was called a church day by day.