Darien Bowers came to Racine Bible Church in August 2006 to serve as the Associate Pastor of Spiritual Development. He has a passion for seeing the church grow to “mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ… to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Eph 4:13-14). Darien oversees the Adult Bible Fellowship ministry, the Firm Foundation equipping classes, and children’s ministries. He also shepherds the Cornerstone ABF, leads periodic small groups out of his home, and is an ACBC certified biblical counselor. Darien graduated from Ohio Northern University with a degree in Mathematics and Physics. Before entering into full-time ministry, he taught high school physics and math in Ohio and southern California. Darien graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2006 with his Masters of Divinity degree. Darien and his wife, Libby, have been blessed with five children: Luke, Noelle, Taryn, Julia, and Joel.
Darien Bowers