pieces of dead cats

pieces of dead cats

I hate to sound self-congratulatory, but I have just got to say that this is probably my best blog-post title ever!

It comes from a line I ran across from George Whitefield.

I love preaching the gospel. It was my joy to do so yesterday in both of our services.

While I love to do it, I know I still have much growing to do.

My gospel preaching is weak in comparison to my great heroes such as Whitefield.
The line comes from a comment Whitefield made after preaching the gospel to a particularly hostile crowd. They pelted him with rubbish but he did not stop preaching the gospel and pleading with them to repent.
After that episode, this was his comment:

“I consider it an honor to be pelted with rotten fruit and pieces of dead cats for the sake of the Gospel.”

Now I don’t think Whitefield was trying to be humorous.
Nor do I think he was weighing in on the perennial issues of preferences for cats or dogs.
He was serious when he made the statement.
Such rejection was not going to stop him.
If anything, it compelled him to continue taking every occasion to suffer a little for the One Who suffered so for him.
What about us?
Will we continue sharing the Gospel?
You may be preaching to a roomful, speaking to a table full or sharing with one individual soul.
Go on in boldness.
Christ is worthy.
His Gospel is glorious.