Prayer Walk

Prayer Walk

Today was the perfect day for a prayer walk.

I got out of the office at lunch time and walked around the park in Franksville.

The warmth of the sun balanced with the cool of the breeze.

The deep green of the grass set off the light blue of the sky.

It really was a perfect day out there.

I prayed about things that came up in the board meeting last night.

I pictured all the men who sat around the tables last night and prayed for them all.

After that, I pulled out the section of the church membership list I brought with me.

I had the H through S last names.

I only made it through from H through to J.

I know. That is not very far. But the time was sweet anyway.

Did you know that we have three families in the J section?

Did you know there are no Is on the list?

There may be some regular attenders who count I as the first letter of their last name.

But there are none in our formal membership.

The next section, K, looks like a pretty lengthy one.

Then L has five families.

I will try to pray K and L tomorrow.

I hope it is as nice out there as it was today.