No Shadow of Turning

No Shadow of Turning

James 1:17-18 

Scriptures and quotes from this sermon 

Malachi 3:6

Psalm 102:25-27

Immutabilis mutans omnia – Unchangeable one who changes all things.

Deuteronomy 31:6, 8

Psalm 62:1-2

Isaiah 43:1-2

Anselm – God is that someone than whom none greater can be conceived. God is not a being among beings, the greatest among many beings or the greatest of all possible beings. God is the fullness of being itself. God is the absolute plentitude of reality upon which all else depends.

Discussion questions for this sermon

What does verse 17 mean in its setting? How does it relate to verses 13-16? How does it relate to verse 18?

The sermon concludes with three ways that God’s unchanging nature changes us. What are they? Which one do you need the most right now? Why?

Was there something from the sermon that you can turn into a prayer of praise to God?

Was there something from the sermon that you can prompt the personal confession of sin?

Was there something from the sermon that you can turn into a prayer request for yourself and your fellow church members?