The How, What, Who, and Why of Isaiah

The How, What, Who, and Why of Isaiah

JI Packer — God Saves Sinners

God – the Triune Jehovah, Father, Son and Spirit; 3 Persons working together in sovereign wisdom, power and love to achieve the salvation of a chosen people, the Father electing, the Son fulfilling the Father’s will by redeeming, the Spirit executing the purpose of Father and Son by renewing.

Saves – does everything, first to last, that is involved in bringing man from death in sin to life in glory: plans and achieves redemption, calls and keeps, justifies, sanctifies, glorifies.

Sinners – men as God finds them, guilty, vile, helpless, unable to lift a finger to do God’s will or better their spiritual lot. Sinners do not save themselves in any sense at all, but that salvation, first and last, whole and entire, past, present and future, is of the Lord, to whom be glory for ever, amen.
