From my Twitter…
Unbroken hearts deal in excuses and deflections. Broken hearts admit failure and bring it all to Jesus.
It is to be feared that much of Arminianism is due in part to recoil from an unspiritual Calvinism. JI Packer
The grace of God is most free. Grace is what God was under no obligation to bestow. Jonathan Edwards
One of the greatest blessings in the world, better than just about anything, is … a broken and contrite heart Ps 51.17
Finished Lit by @TonyReinke Great book. Enjoyable and practical at the same time. Well done.
Peter could not have been harder & more convicting toward the crowd in Acts 2:22-23, 36 & 3:13-15. The result? 1000s of conversions
Oh that all the world knew that holiness and happiness are one. MCheyne
To understand ourselves & our salvation we need to become more impressed by how much the Father loves the Son.
Though the earth be full of sufferers, non can vie with our Lord in suffering. He is King in the realm of sorrows. FB Meyer
How many ministers have sown pillows under their people, making them sleep so securely that they never woke till they were in hell?! Watson