I wish you all knew my friend Jim Schneider.
A true man of God.
On one of my visits with Jim, he granted me permission to ransack his library books. There was treasure everywhere.
Jim was kind enough to let me cart away several boxes. He is happy that I am enjoying them. He can no longer read them as his eyes have failed.
Not to be stopped, Jim has a talking Bible that he uses all the time.
He is still adept enough at study that the last time I was there, we got into it about some particular line in Hebrews 8 or John 14 or someplace.
I do not remember the actual argument, but I remember that Jim was crystal clear about what the Word said and why it ought to be interpreted in his particular way in context.
Like I said, I wish you all knew him. He is a one in a million.
One of the treasures he gave me is a seven volume set “Through the Bible Day by Day” which is a collection of the writings of F.B. Meyer.
Here is one I came across recently.
Now that I notice it, this accords nicely with the post about being ready to die a couple of days ago and the beautiful words about the resurrection from A. Peterson yesterday.
Revelation 22:20
He Who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
But who shall tell whether that cry may not, sooner than we think, be answered by a spiritual transformation of the things seen and temporal, so that without a break, in the twinkling of an eye, the veil of matter may be rent and the whole imminent glory of the unseen and eternal swim into view. — FB Meyer