Talking with Harold and Lois Weirsum. It is sad to say goodbye to them as they are moving away to be nearer to family. Harold started coming to RBC 79 years ago when he was 9 years old. They have been faithful, faithful, faithful church members for all of these years.
Seeing Phil S., Steve M. and Bob B. in action in their new second hour ABF. Seeing Jerry W. pinch hit for John M. in their first hour ABF.
Turning a few of our elders on to this resource: I used Torrey’s Topical Textbook to print out references about the heart which we used in our prayer time Friday night.
Walking past the nursery and seeing Dorothy B. (the fact that great-gramma Brusko still volunteers at the nursery desk makes me want to hug her every Sunday!). Anyway, she was having a little trouble with the pagers and so I helped her plug them all in, find out which one was missing, page the mom who was leaving church with the missing pager, get that mom to turn around and bring it back.
Singing the line “The strength to follow your commands could never come from me” in corporate worship.