Swimming Pool Preaching

Swimming Pool Preaching

Challenging week of classes down here in Louisville.

One fellow in class gave an insightful description of expository preaching and swimming pools:

In some preaching the text of Scripture is like a diving board. You bounce on it once or twice but then spend your time swimming thoughts about today from the preacher’s mind.

In some preaching the text of Scripture is like the patio furniture around the pool. As you swim in the preacher’s ideas and preferences, every now and then you get a break from his thoughts and go back to the text for a few moments of relief.

But in true expository preaching the text is the pool. You dive in and spend the majority of your time swimming through that text in all of its meaning and significance, clarity in interpretation and courage in application.

If you are listening to preaching and feel like the text is a diversion from the sermon you are in trouble.

If you are the preacher and the text is a diversion from your sermon you are in huge trouble.

Thank you, RBC, for allowing me the privilege of this education.

I will seek to honor God and serve you with all that I learn.

I will be praying for you all on Sunday.