Donna Bell
Children’s Ministry Crosswalk Coordinator
Brief info
Donna Bell was born in Minneapolis, MN, but she was raised in a missionary family and grew up in India and Hong Kong. After graduating from Carthage College and doing post-graduate work at UW-Whitewater, Donna taught in the Racine Unified Schools for 34 years. She joined Bible Study Fellowship International in 1988 and served as a Substitute Teaching Leader, Teaching Leader, and 12 years as the Children’s Supervisor. She is currently enjoying being a Children’s leader. Donna started attending RBC in 1978 and over the years had been actively involved in music and in teaching an adult women’s Sunday School class until becoming the Children’s Ministry Crosswalk Coordinator in July of 2012. As the result of working with elementary age students in RUSD and the training she received through BSF, God has equipped Donna for leading in the Crosswalk Ministry. Donna is excited to be a part of training workers to prepare students to stand firm in their generation for Jesus Christ.