The Economy

The Economy

They talk about it on the television.

They are talking about it on the radio.

They write about it in the newspaper.

The President and legislators are drafting all sorts of plans about it.

Church members are talking about it in church lobbies and Sunday school classes…

Now I just found a Bible verse that is talking about it.

I was reading this verse yesterday (2/22) and it was speaking directly about this economy.

Proverbs 22:2

Rich and poor have this in common:

The Lord is the Maker of them all.

For all the fluctuations in our economy,

and all the discussions

and proposals

and losses

and changes…

The state of the economy has not increased or decreased in any way these most important factors about our lives:

Each one of us is dependent upon God.

Each one of us is accountable to God.

Each one of us is dependent upon God for our daily bread.

Each one of us is accountable to God for every penny and every moment we spend.
Cristian Barbosu