The first verse of the Bible shows him to be a creative God. His nature is to create, and there may be no end to this, in time or in eternity. It is impossible you come into contact with a creative God and not share in his creative activity. This gives scope for the widest exercise of the creative power of thought, imagination, and inspiration, but strictly within the cannons of truth. Therefore, the last thing a Christian ought to be is dull, and the last thing a Christian life should be is drab. Even in a prison cell the Christian sees stars, whereas the others see only mud. Let us never forget That God has an enemy who seeks to usurp and displace him by imitation. The devil has no creative power- he has cut himself off from its source-he is therefore driven to the low cunning of deceitful imitation and counterfeit. The fact that he does well in the business is the measure of how deceitfully fallen we are.
J.C. Philpot