This paragraph is taken from a letter Oswald Chambers wrote in 1907.
I want to tell you a growing conviction with me. That is that as we obey the leadings of the Spirit of God we enable God to answer the prayers of other people. I mean that our lives, my life, is the answer to someone’s prayer. It is more and more impossible to me to have programs and plans because God alone has the plan and our plans are only apt to hinder him and make it necessary for him to break them up. I have the unspeakable knowledge that my life is the answer to prayers and that God is blessing me and making me a blessing entirely of his sovereign grace and nothing to do with my merits as I am bold enough to trust his leadings and not the dictates of my own wisdom and common sense.
The sense of my father has been wonderful lately. The access in prayer is so ineffably sweet and natural I am just flooded with the deep, settled peace in my soul.
Stop and consider what Chambers says.
He is a man, flawed and feeble like us, but this was his personal testimony.
“I have the unspeakable knowledge that my life is the answer to prayers.”
Do you? I do. Not every moment but there are times, memorable times, when I have and I do.
“The access in prayer is so ineffably sweet and natural I am just flooded with the deep, settled peace.”
Are you? You can be. I can’t say that I have that sweet, deep, settled peace all the time.
But I know what it is and I do experience it through the Holy Spirit.
You can too.
Read His Word.
Meditate on Romans 8, John 14-17, and like places.
Go to Him in prayer.
And keep praying until you pray.