There is no God at Barnes and Noble?

There is no God at Barnes and Noble?

So there is a table at Barnes & Noble
It is filled with books declaring that there is no God.
How can this be?
Without God there would be…
No wood and no table
No paper and no books
No authors and no minds
No readers and no opinions

How can we debate about the existence of God?

Maybe this is too obvious to be considered, but consider it.

In order for us to debate God’s existence – we need to exist.

By virtue of Who He is, our existence is contingent upon the existence of God.

How can we debate about the reality of God?

Isn’t reality dependent upon God for its reality?

Is God one reality among other realities?

Isn’t God the pre-condition of reality itself?

No God, no reality.

From ancient times theologians have said that God is “that greater than which cannot be thought.”

God is that Being without which we would not be.

Doesn’t this mean that without God we would not be thinking about God?

The one who lifts up his voice shouting, “There is no God!” has God to thank for the vocal chords, the oxygen, the sound waves and even the personal will which makes such a statement.
