Two Articles Worth Checking Out

Two Articles Worth Checking Out

An article for parents on how your kids will fail:

Here is how it starts…

Your kids will fail. This is both inevitable and also necessary. Apparently not many parents today want to hear this uncomfortable fact. And they certainly don’t want to implement it in how they discipline their children.

And it ends with this sober warning…

And what if you don’t teach your children how to overcome by the grace of God and power of the Holy Spirit by patiently enduring their failures? They’ll find out the truth anyway, the hard way. They’ll see failure in church with the backbiting, gossip, power plays, and judgmentalism. They’ll see it in themselves when they struggle with doubts and no one will listen. They’ll see it in you and wonder why you can’t just admit it. If you don’t teach them that Christians sometimes fail, then they’ll conclude Christianity has failed.

And an insightful article by Al Mohler on how the gospel and sound theology speak directly to a sinful scandal. He writes about the response to his response to Rep. Anthony Weiner:

Many rather well informed people seem to be shocked that Christians believe the doctrines of Christianity.

This is a basic and central Christian belief. The Bible reveals that our need is not to find a way to make ourselves well — which we can never do — but to realize that we are sinners in need of a Savior. The Christian Gospel is the message of redemption accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation that is found in him and in him alone.

The very essence of biblical Christianity is the knowledge that the real human problem is sin — not sickness — and that the only rescue is that which comes through faith in Jesus Christ.