Two good things

Two good things

Here is a little bit from a note I received on Sunday that really made me smile. This brother must have been in first service and jotted this note in-between services, a small excerpt.

I praise God and pray that He will continue to speak through you.

I am battling “Herodism” in me. Thank you for clearly preaching it.

And Oh thank you Jesus for forgiveness for my sins!

Amen to that.

And here is a little bit from a book that really made me think. I am working on Genesis 3, Matthew 2 and Revelation 12 together for Sunday’s sermon. The Scottish theologian George Smeaton speaks eloquently of Christ’s crushing the serpent’s head and winning our victory.

This terrible adversary of the human race was overcome by the second man who came into our place, and entered the lists with Satan, where the battle had gone against us before. Satan fell by pride, and infused this poison into our first parents, and the mystery of the incarnation began with abasement. By humility the Lord advanced to all His work of expiation. His meritorious sacrifice, and His willing subjection to suffering, wrested the dominion from Satan, and bruised the serpent’s head. Before the work of expiation was accomplished, Satan had a right to man whom he had conquered, and to the world which he had won. But Christ reversed all this, and led captivity captive.

What a victory. What a Savior!