If you would ever pray for my preaching ministry, this would be a great way to do so.
Thank you.
A ministry that stays in the paint of words will beget but painted grace.
If it is not a ministry of grace, inspired by the Holy Spirit, it will end in nothing. Fine words neither wound nor heal. Oratory may amuse, but it can never save. We must have more than mere words, however striking — paint will not do; we want living preaching, by men in downright earnest, attended by the living Spirit, or else life will never be created or sustained by it. What is the use of coloring the cheek of the dead? The hue of life is a mockery wile death reigns within. That is evil preaching which creates the semblance of piety, but never imparts the substance.
Lord save me from being the imitation of a Christian. Give me a thoroughness and sincerity. — Charles Spurgeon