

Welcome to Racine Bible Church

When you arrive at Racine Bible Church we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your time with us. Visit the information desk in the foyer and you’ll find

  • Information about our service times
  • Children’s Ministries staff to assist you in finding the right classrooms for your children
  • People waiting to help you find various ministries

Our two, duplicate worship services on Sunday mornings are each approximately one and a quarter hours long (9:00–10:15 and 10:45–noon). In the service, you’ll be given a visitor packet that includes a book about the Gospel and a welcome card for indicating your interests and any desire for future follow-up.

During each worship service, Adult Bible Fellowship groups meet throughout the building. These groups emphasize fellowship, shepherding and solid teaching as they seek to equip people on a practical level for Christian living.

Feel Free to contact with any questions, concerns or prayer requests.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Please Select from the Following (required)

    Your Message

    Or call us at (262)-637-6536
